Seatrade Cruise Global is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Informa PLC's registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England and Wales. Number 8860726.


The fine print

Read the Show Policies

Cancellation/Refund Policy

Both Expo and Expo Plus passes are non-refundable.

If you are unable to participate at the event, you are entitled to change the badge holder information for free. To do so please email [email protected].

Seatrade Cruise Global will not refund and is not responsible or liable for any costs incurred due to cancellations or delays of any type including travel and/or weather or health issues. 

Admission Policy

All persons planning to attend Seatrade Cruise Global must be registered. The event is a private trade show open to the trade only, and not open to the public. Persons who cannot document their direct, professional affiliation to the event and their associated industries are not qualified to attend the event.

Badges will be scanned as part of event attendance by event security/staff or exhibitors/sponsors.

Badge holders must not allow their badges to be worn by anyone else. Any failure will lead to the badge holder and the person wearing the badge being evicted from the event.

Anyone obtaining an attendee or exhibitor badge by theft, deception, or other illegal means will be evicted from the event.

All badge holders must adhere to Informa’s Code of Conduct.

Child Policy

During normal show hours, persons under the age of 18 will only be admitted to the event with parent or guardian supervision along with a signed child waiver. The child waiver can be completed onsite at the registration counter. No one under the age of 18 will be allowed on the show floor during move-in and move-out.

Smoking Policy

Smoking and vaping are prohibited at all times within the Miami Beach Convention Center. Anyone who wishes to smoke or vape may do so outside the building in the convention center’s designated smoking areas.

Animal Policy 

Animals are not permitted at the event, with the exception of registered service animals. Service animals must be identified as such and kept under control at all times.

Photography/Videography Policy

Photography and Videography is not permitted at the event without prior approval from the exhibitor or Show Management and any images to be used for print, broadcast or any type of reproduction media must be approved by Show Management prior to being taken. No video or photography is approved for resale purposes. 

Literature/Product Distribution

Only exhibitors are permitted to promote their products, services or company at Seatrade Cruise Global. Company promotion, sample and literature distribution by exhibitors must be done within their contracted exhibit space, with the exception of designated sponsorships and marketing opportunities. This includes, but is not limited to ‘roaming’ characters, handing out flyers, approaching exhibitor booths to sell products, leaving and/or distributing product information in public spaces and show floor aisles, all of which are prohibited. Exhibitors found doing so will be sent back to their booth space and materials left will be recycled. Attendees will be asked to leave the show and forfeit their badge. Any ‘suitcasers’ should be reported to Show Management.

All show policies are subject to change at any time subject to Show Management's sole discretion.