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Make Waves in a Sea of Competition

Why sponsor

Amplify Your Presence

Seatrade Cruise Asia provides a wide array of sponsorship opportunities, each optimising for certain business objectives and maximising your return on investment.

Physical signage
Get your brand noticed by every key decision maker on the floor — including the exclusive VIP areas.
Thought leadership
Associate your brand with the best, brightest, and most creative thinking in the industry.
Networking & events
Build your reputation as a leader and influencer in the cruise community with a variety of targeted options.
Interested in becoming a sponsor?
By the numbers
Sponsors Boast
  • 38.5k
    Potential online reach
  • 24%
    Average increase in booth traffic
  • 84%
    Satisfaction rate
Act now to secure your first choice for our 2024 event.

Event access

What do you want to convey to the cruise industry? Explore packages for different business objectives.


Be the first thing attendees see each day

Capture the attention of attendees through eye-catching visuals, digital distribution points, and interactive engagement before, during and after the event.

Business goals targeted

brand visibility and exposure

cruise market penetration

brand differentiation

Mobile app

Be their resource

Associate your brand with the event’s #1 resource for navigating the venue  and planning agendas, accumulating repeat daily views amongst our most  active attendees.

Business goals targeted

brand visibility and exposure

cruise market penetration

industry authority building

catered meal
Get networking
Breakfast and Lunch
Ensure your brand high visibility among 500+ attendees including conference delegates, Cruise Line executives and speakers.


Industry Keynote

Grab the spotlight

Your opportunity to associate your brand with the region’s most prominent conference session, boasting an audience of 400+ attendees. 

Business goals targeted

thought leadership

product promotion

content creation

Conference Session

Provide guidance

Establish your brand as a go-to resource for specific industry knowledge and harness the attention of those seeking to do business.

Business goals targeted

industry authority building

customer engagement

product promotion

Be everywhere
Personal Items
Get your branding and/or product distributed amongst virtually every attendee at the show